Release Date: 2024-08-15


Enes Akyüz (Author)

Release Date: 2024-08-15

Biophysics is one of the most difficult and complex fields of Basic Medical Sciences. Biophysics subjects can only be understood by knowing the basic knowledge of both Physics and Biology at a good level. Biophysics, which is quite chaotic for students at universities, becomes more understandable with a good literature review before the course. In this respect, the main purpose of the book is to be a basic resource in terms of Biophysics for all undergraduate and graduate students.

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Work TypeMonograph
Internal ReferenceNBL06
ISBN978-605-335-865-7 (PAPERBACK)
978-605-335-865-7 (PDF)
Page Count330
Print Lenghtxiii+316
Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
Biophysics is one of the most difficult and complex fields of Basic Medical Sciences. Biophysics subjects can only be understood by knowing the basic knowledge of both Physics and Biology at a good level. Biophysics, which is quite chaotic for students at universities, becomes more understandable with a good literature review before the course. In this respect, the main purpose of the book is to be a basic resource in terms of Biophysics for all undergraduate and graduate students.
 Biophysics is defined not only by the merger of the fields of Physics and Biology, but also by the inclusion of departments such as Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science.
 One of the most commonly used methods in biophysics is the patch-clamp method, which measures ion channel currents, and X-ray crystallography, which is used to analyze the structure of proteins in detail.
 The description of the systems that make up the human body in the biophysical approach is possible with Physics quantities: nervous system biophysics, circulatory biophysics, respiratory biophysics and sensory biophysics.
 Units make it possible to understand Biophysics topics in terms of size. The units of each dimension from meters to nanometers and other Physics quantities such as pressure must also be known.
 The ion channel is the most valuable subject in Biophysics. These protein structures that allow ions to pass through the cell membrane can cause diseases in terms of their function. Loss of function requires the treatment of genes encoding ion channels.
1. What Is Biophysics? Basic Concepts of Biophysics
2. History of Biophysics and the Best Biophysicists
3. Biophysical Approach to Biosystems
4. Atomic Structure:Interactions and Biophysical Forces
5. Fluids and Gases in Biophysics
6. Physical Approach of Electromagnetism
7. Biophysical Effects of Electromagnetism on the Cell
8. Biophysics of Basic Imaging Modalities
9. Membrane Biophysics
10. Action Potential
11. Ion Channels
12. Bioelectricity of Muscles
13. Biophysical Approach to Electric Currents
14. Biomechanics
15. Sensory Biophysics
16. Biophysics of Vision
17. Biophysics of Hearing
18. Electrical Activity of the Brain
19. Bioelectricity of the Heart
20. Circulatory Biophysics
21. Respiratory Biophysics
22. EEG, EMG and ECG

    Enes Akyuz (Author)
    Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    3Enes Akyüz graduated from Department of Physics, Istanbul University and completed his PhD at Department of Biophysics, Marmara University. He is currently working as a scientist in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine. He has published more than 50 national/international articles targeting the mechanisms of neurological diseases, especially on the mechanism of epileptic seizures. He has written 8 books. He is currently working on a gene therapy project for the solution of congenital diseases.

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    2 reviews for Biophysics

    1. Frank Dacre

      Great book. I bought it for myself to learn Biophysics because I really like physics and biology…

    2. Mehmet Tek

      The content of this book merits six stars.

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