Historical and Chemical Examination of Alcohol

Cem Uysal (Author)

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Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis contemplating pregnancy should receive comprehensive pre-pregnancy counseling, including discussions about the potential risks of pregnancy on disease progression and maternal health. Collaborative care involving obstetricians, pulmonologists, and maternal-fetal medicine specialists is essential to optimize maternal and fetal outcomes while minimizing risks to both. Careful consideration should be given to medication [...]

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    Work TypeBook Chapter
    Published inMedicolegal Aspect of Alcohol
    First Page1
    Last Page22
    Page Count22
    Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
    Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis contemplating pregnancy should receive comprehensive pre-pregnancy counseling, including discussions about the potential risks of pregnancy on disease progression and maternal health. Collaborative care involving obstetricians, pulmonologists, and maternal-fetal medicine specialists is essential to optimize maternal and fetal outcomes while minimizing risks to both. Careful consideration should be given to medication selection and dosing during pregnancy, with a focus on minimizing fetal exposure to teratogenic or harmful agents while maintaining maternal disease stability and symptom control. Close monitoring of maternal lung function, symptoms, and pregnancy complications is necessary throughout gestation, with regular assessments to detect any signs of disease progression or exacerbations.
    Elderly patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. may present with age-related changes in lung function, comorbidities, and functional status, necessitating individualized management approaches. Comprehensive geriatric assessment, including evaluation of functional status, cognitive function, nutritional status, and frailty, is valuable in identifying and addressing age-related vulnerabilities and optimizing care for elderly patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.nTreatment decisions in elderly patients should balance the potential benefits and risks of pharmacological interventions, taking into account age-related pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes, comorbidities, polypharmacy, and frailty.

    Cem Uysal (Author)
    Associated Professor, Dicle University
    3Cem Uysal, M.D., graduated from Marmara University Medical Faculty in 2003 and completed his specialization in Forensic Medicine at the same faculty in 2010. He has been working at the Forensic Medicine Department of Dicle University Medical Faculty in Diyarbakır, Turkey, and has been the head of the department since 2017. With over 14 years of experience as a forensic medicine specialist, Dr. Uysal is an expert in handling complex forensic cases and conducting detailed forensic evaluations. He also teaches and mentors medical students and residents in forensic medicine. Dr. Uysal has extensive knowledge and experience in forensic analysis, legal medicine, academic research, autopsy and postmortem examination, expert testimony, and data analysis. Proficient in English, Dr. Uysal is a member of the Association of Forensic Medicine Specialists and has published research papers in various peer-reviewed journals.

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