Release Date: 2024-02-26

Upper Extremity Muscles

Release Date: 2024-02-26

The upper extremity muscles are integral to the wide range of movements and functions performed by the arm, forearm, wrist, and hand. These muscles are categorized into several groups based on their location and function. These include the shoulder (such as the deltoid and rotator cuff muscles), the upper arm (such as the biceps brachii [...]

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Work TypeBook Chapter
Published inClinical Anatomy of Muscle a Hand Book for Healthcare Professionals
First Page125
Last Page151
ISBN978-605-335-886-2 (PDF)
Page Count27
Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
The upper extremity muscles are integral to the wide range of movements and functions performed by the arm, forearm, wrist, and hand. These muscles are categorized into several groups based on their location and function. These include the shoulder (such as the deltoid and rotator cuff muscles), the upper arm (such as the biceps brachii and triceps brachii), the forearm (such as the flexors and extensors of the wrist and fingers), and the intrinsic hand muscles.
Studying upper extremity muscles is crucial for understanding how these muscles contribute to gross and fine motor skills. Research in this area often focuses on the anatomy and biomechanics of these muscles, their neural control, and their response to various conditions such as injury, disease, and rehabilitation.
This book takes a straightforward approach to understanding the upper extremity muscles, presenting them from anatomical, clinical, and healthcare perspectives. However, the key to understanding any subject is to separate it basically and transparently. The book’s content is designed to be accessible and beneficial to anatomists, neurophysiologists, and all healthcare professionals, particularly medical students.Dear readers this book aims to increase and ease your knowledge of anatomy. Briefly, you are the main target population of this book. I hope this book will help you reach high skill awareness and develop your perspective of the upper extremity muscles.

Sibel Atesoglu Karabas (Author)
Assistant Professor, Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University
3Dr. Sibel Ateşoğlu Karabaş is a young writer and researcher passionate about gross, locomotor system, radiological, and comparative anatomy. Dr. Karabaş holds Ph.D. in Anatomy from İnönü University Medical Faculty. Dr. Karabaş has contributed to many publications, including books, journal articles, and industry reports. Dr. Karabaş brings complex concepts to life for a diverse audience. In addition to receiving good traditional gross anatomy training, Dr. Karabaş worked in a hospital as a healthcare nurse. Additionally, Dr. Karabaş worked on the retina and examined the morphometric structure of the retina in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using the optical coherence tomography method. Dr. Karabaş currently works as an assistant professor at Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anatomy.

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