In this section, the remedies of health workers who are victims of violence will be brieflynmentioned. First, the remedies of health workers against unjustified denunciations andncomplaints will be mentioned, and the current situation will be examined within thenframework of the Civil Servants Law No. 657, the Law No. 4483 on the Prosecution ofnCivil Servants and Other Public Officials and the new amendments to the Law on HealthnnServices No. 3359. It will then summarize what will be done about unjustified denuncia-ntions and complaints against health workers through a three stage system. In the secondnnpart, the remedies of healthcare workers who are victims of violence within the scope ofncriminal law will be mentioned, and these remedies will be elaborated on the crimes ofnninjury, insult and threat. The Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237 and the Criminal Proce-ndure Code No. 5271 will be evaluated separately for each type of crime and the effects ofnnthe new amendments to the Law on Health Services No. 3359 on the related crimes willnbe discussed. In the third part, the remedies of healthcare professionals within the scopennof compensation law will be discussed. General information will be given about the com-npensation lawsuits they can file in case they are subjected to unjustified denunciation andnncomplaint and in case they are victims of violence.