Release Date: 2024-02-19

Beyond the Mirror: Understanding Muscle Dysmorphia and Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Abuse

Release Date: 2024-02-19

Beyond the Mirror: Understanding Muscle Dysmorphia and Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Abuse unveils the intricate world of muscle dysmorphia and the perilous journey through steroid abuse. Authored by Dr. Metin Çınaroglu, this groundbreaking book delves deep into the psychological, physical, and societal dimensions shaping our perceptions of physical perfection. It sheds light on the origins, manifestations, [...]

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Work TypeMonograph
ISBN978-605-335-884-8 (PDF)
Page Count178
Print Lenghtxii+166
Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
Beyond the Mirror: Understanding Muscle Dysmorphia and Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Abuse unveils the intricate world of muscle dysmorphia and the perilous journey through steroid abuse. Authored by Dr. Metin Çınaroglu, this groundbreaking book delves deep into the psychological, physical, and societal dimensions shaping our perceptions of physical perfection. It sheds light on the origins, manifestations, and repercussions of these complex conditions, offering a compassionate lens on the pressures to conform to societal ideals of muscularity. Drawing from a rich tapestry of scientific research, expert insights, and poignant personal narratives, Dr. Çınaroglu guides readers through the historical context, health risks, and the powerful influence of societal and cultural norms on our self-image. This book is a beacon of hope, outlining paths toward recovery and underscoring the importance of understanding, empathy, and change in addressing body image disorders and substance abuse. A must-read for healthcare professionals, educators, policymakers, and anyone touched by the challenges of achieving physical perfection in the modern world.
1. Foundations
2. The Intersection of Muscle Dysmorphia and AAS Abuse
3. Consequences and Complications
4. Assessment and Diagnosis
5. Treatment and Recovery
6. Prevention and Education
7. Personal Stories and Case Studies
8. Future Directions and Research
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    1 review for Beyond the Mirror: Understanding Muscle Dysmorphia and Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Abuse

    1. Natalie Willis

      An informative read. I learned the basics with this book and I was very impressed. Thank you

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