Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in which an individual is safenand free from disease. It is a fundamental human right recognized by the World HealthnOrganization and is indispensable for individuals to participate fully in social life andnachieve their full potential and goals. The right to health includes accessing healthcarenservices as well as enjoying the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.nThe healthcare services play an important role in the promoting and protecting the rightnnto health. These services involve the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases and reha-nbilitation of the individuals. They also include the promotion of healthy lifestyles, educa-ntion and advocacy for public health policies. The healthcare services should be accessible,nnaffordable and of high quality to reduce inequalities, and provided to the individuals with-nout discrimination or barriers based on socioeconomic status. In many countries, basicnnaccess to health services is limited due to factors such as poverty, lack of infrastructure andninadequate financing. Governments and international organizations have a responsibilitynto ensure that all individuals can have access to essential healthcare services. This requiresninvesting in healthcare systems, training healthcare staff and implementing the policiesnthat promote equality in healthcare and social justice.nFinally, health is a fundamental human right that must be protected and promotednthrough access to quality health services. The governments and relevant organizationsnmust cooperate and collaborate to ensure that all individuals have the opportunity to livenin good health.