Release Date: 2024-06-17

Agricultural Policies and Climate Change

Songul Akin (Author)

Release Date: 2024-06-17

Feeding has been the most important activity of human beings since the day they came into existence. The first steps of humans in the name of civilization are "agriculture" with a focus on nutrition. Agricultural activity started when people realized that plants reproduce with seeds and animals reproduce with animal seeds and consciously cultivated them. [...]

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    Work TypeBook Chapter
    Published inAgricultural Economics and Climate Change
    First Page19
    Last Page34
    Page Count16
    Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
    Feeding has been the most important activity of human beings since the day they came into existence. The first steps of humans in the name of civilization are "agriculture" with a focus on nutrition. Agricultural activity started when people realized that plants reproduce with seeds and animals reproduce with animal seeds and consciously cultivated them. Therefore, it is possible to say that the foundation of culture and civilization was laid with agriculture. Clans, police states, fiefdoms, empires and today’s states all survive as long as they can feed their citizens. Self-sufficiency in food is at the top of the development criteria of countries. "Agricultural policies" have an important place in ensuring this competence. Policies are renewed according to changing conditions because life is dynamic, not stable. Due to the fact that agriculture is largely dependent on nature, agricultural policies need to be adapted as the impact of climate change starts to be felt day by day. In this study, the relationship between agricultural policies and global climate change and environmentally protective agricultural policies for climate change in Türkiye are discussed.

    Songul Akin (Author)
    Dicle University
    3Songül Akın’s bachelor’s degree is in economics and public administration. Master’s study is related to agricultural organizations. He completed his doctorate in rural sociology. Dr. Songül Akın currently works as an Associate Professor at Dicle University Faculty of Agriculture. She has been area of ​​expertise is agricultural extension and agricultural policies. She has been carrying out academic studies in the field of agricultural extension and agricultural policy for more than twenty-four years.

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