Food packaging plays a vital role in protecting, preserving, and delivering food products to consumers. İt shields food from physical, Chemical, and microbial influences, ensuring safety, quality, and extended shelf life. Packaging also ensures hygienic conditions for storage and transportation, safeguarding against contamination. By preventing external factors like oxygen, moisture, light, and insects from contacting food, packaging contributes to product freshness and quality maintenance. Factors such as packaging material, food properties, storage conditions, and time can influence migration rates. The packaging industry must carefully manage these factors to ensure that packaging materials do not negatively impact food safety and consumer health. To mitigate package-borne safety risks, thorough testing, quality control, and compliance with food safety regulations are essential. Proper selection of packaging materials, design, and sealing techniques can help prevent potential hazards and ensure that food products reach consumers safely. Packaging can pose safety risks in food due to Chemical migration, cross-contamination, tampering, physical hazards, microbial growth, and allergen transfer. Proper testing, quality control and regulatory compliance are crucial to prevent these risks and ensure food safety.