Primary bone tumors are predominantly observed in the pediatric age group. Among benign bone tumors, osteochondroma is the most common, while osteosarcoma is the most frequent among malignant tumors. Important radiological criteria have been established to distinguish between benign and malignant tumors. Critical findings to consider include the patient’s age, the localization of the lesion, the morphological characteristics of the lesion, and the presence and type of periosteal reaction. By evaluating these findings, the differential diagnosis list can often be significantly narrowed. However, the primary expectation from radiology is not a specific diagnosis but rather an assessment of whether the lesion is malignant or benign. Radiography plays a crucial role in this distinction by highlighting important features such as periosteal reaction and the zone of transition. The radiography-based Lodwick classification, which evaluates the transition zone and margin characteristics of the bone lesion, is an important classification for indicating the aggressiveness of the lesion.