The word vitamin was first used to mean “the amine necessary for life”. • Vitamins are organic catalysts necessary for normal body functions, growth and healthy living. They are not synthesized in the human body and must be obtained externally.
Vitamins are classified according to their fat and water solubility. Fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E and K, and although they are essential for health, each of them has very important functions in the body. They have many biological activities such as vision, bone, coagulation and antioxidant effects. They are released, absorbed and transported (as chylomicrons) along with dietary fats. They are stored in the liver and fatty tissue and are eliminated more slowly than water-soluble vitamins. Vitamins A and D can accumulate in the body and cause toxic effects.
Minerals are inorganic substances needed for the body to maintain its basic functions. These substances cannot be created directly by plants and animals and are taken from the soil. Minerals are divided into two groups: macrominerals and microminerals. Macrominerals are elements that should be taken in amounts greater than 100 mg daily. Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chlorine and potassium are macrominerals. Deficiency or excess intake of minerals can disrupt many biological functions and cause diseases. Sodium is a mineral that plays an important role in the body. Sodium, the main cation of extracellular fluid, is involved in functions such as transport of substances across the cell membrane, fluid-electrolyte balance, and regulation of blood pressure. Sodium levels in the body are kept under control by the functioning of the kidneys and the influence of hormones. Muscle contraction begins with an increase in intracellular calcium ion concentration. It is the most abundant element in the human body after calcium. It is a component of DNA and RNA. Phosphorus plays a role in the formation of bones and teeth and the repair of tissues and cells. It is found abundantly in water in nature, but rarely in plants, especially as sodium chloride and potassium chloride. It ensures that the fluids in the body are kept in balance.