Climate Change and Agriculture: the Case of Küçük Menderes Basin
Yarkin Akyuz (Author)
Release Date: 2024-06-17
Climate change poses a significant threat to global agriculture, particularly in vulnerable regions like the Küçük Menderes Basin in Türkiye. Research indicates that over the next 70 years, this region, known for its agricultural productivity, is projected to experience temperature increases of 3-5°C and precipitation decreases of 10-20%, severely impacting agricultural yields and quality. To [...]
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Work Type | Book Chapter |
Published in | Agricultural Economics and Climate Change |
First Page | 61 |
Last Page | 81 |
DOI | |
Page Count | 21 |
Copyright Holder | Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri |
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Yarkin Akyuz (Author)
Ege University
3Dr. Yarkın Akyüz is a research assistant in the Department of Agricultural Economics, specializing in Agricultural Policy and Extension at the Faculty of Agriculture, Ege University. Dr. Akyüz completed his bachelor’s degree in 2010, his master’s degree in 2013, and his doctorate in 2019, all from the same department. He has authored or co-authored close to 30 research articles, oral and poster presentations, and compilations in the field of Agricultural Economics. Dr. Akyüz has also participated as a researcher in various research projects throughout his career. His areas of expertise include agricultural policy, climate change and adaptation policies, and environmental economics.
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