There are bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic diseases that affect bee health in honey bee farming. These diseases directly affect the health of the honey bee and therefore the health of the colony. These diseases affect the development periods of the bees after the egg stage in the honeycombs, affect the performance and production capacity of the colony by infecting the honey bees in the adult period, and affect the epidemiology of the disease by allowing the causative agents of the diseases to multiply and spread around. For this reason, honey bee colonies should be carefully observed during the adult and larval stages, and the shape of the clinical symptoms and the clinical symptoms they leave on the honeycomb and adult bees should be carefully examined. The symptoms caused by disease agents in honey bees, hives and colonies are specific depending on the agent. As a result of these clinical symptoms and examinations on the honey bee, hive or colony, the suspected disease should be named and measures should be taken for protection and control without delay. When necessary, appropriate samples should be taken and sent to the laboratory for agent diagnosis.