Viral honey bee diseases show disease-specific symptoms in bees and therefore in colonies, depending on the characteristics of the causative agent of the disease in bee colonies. Based on these symptoms, doctors cannot name the disease. In order to name the disease, serious observations must be made on bee colonies and bees, appropriate bee samples must be sampled, and it must be carefully examined whether the colonies are affected by the environmental conditions in the environment. In line with this information, a protocol document should be prepared for the colony and the name of the viral agent that is effective on the honey bee colony and suspected by the physician should be determined and the dead bees or honeycomb pieces sampled from the colony should be sent to the cold chain laboratory. In this way, the name of the viral disease agent is determined only from the appropriate samples sent to the laboratory. Once the viral agents of honey bee diseases are identified, protection and control procedures should be started. Therefore, laboratory diagnosis is important in viral honey bee diseases.n