Global warming and the resulting global climate change bringnvarious biotic and abiotic stress factors such as sharp seasonalnchange, unexpected climate events, extreme temperatures, andnnthe greenhouse gas eff ect. People worldwide are directly and in-ndirectly aff ected by global climate change. Among all cross-pol-nlinators, honey bees, with approximately 80% rate, are the or-nganisms most adversely aff ected by global climate change. Th enndecline of bees leads to a decrease in fl ora and biodiversity,nnplants being forced to self-pollinate, and consequently the sen-nsitive plants to biotic and abiotic stress conditions grows, a de-ncrease in agricultural yield, and disruptions in the food supply chain. In impoverished and remote areas where medical drugsncannot be delivered, people who practice alternative medicinenn(Apitherapy) using bee products also find it increasingly diffi-ncult, or impossible to cope with diseases. Global warming andnnglobal climate change require governments to act collectively,nwithout delay, to develop and implement policies.