Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cultivation represents a significant sector of global agriculture, contributing to the production of wine grapes, table grapes, dried fruits, and fruit juice. While traditionally thriving in diverse climatic and soil conditions, grapevines are increasingly challenged by the impacts of climate change, including rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and heightened occurrences of extreme weather events. This review examines the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change on grapevine cultivation, focusing on key stressors such as heat stress, drought, flooding, alterations in soil dynamics, early maturation, and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases. Furthermore, the review explains adaptation strategies that can be employed to enhance resilience to climate-related risks and ensure the sustainability of viticulture under evolving environmental conditions. In conclusion, this review emphasizes the necessity for collaborative research efforts and proactive measures within the viticultural community to address the challenges posed by climate change and safeguard the future of grapevine cultivation and wine production.