Information and Communication Strategies for Children with Special Needs and Their Families After Disasters

Halis Sakiz (Author)

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Th is chapter delves into the signifi cance of communication strategies geared toward children with special needs (CwSN) and their families in navigating post-disaster scenarios. It stresses the role of inclusivity, accessibility, and collaborative eff orts inside groups for effective disaster preparedness, response, and restoration. Various approaches are explored, such as inclusive workshops, on hand [...]

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    Th is chapter delves into the signifi cance of communication strategies geared toward children with special needs (CwSN) and their families in navigating post-disaster scenarios. It stresses the role of inclusivity, accessibility, and collaborative eff orts inside groups for effective disaster preparedness, response, and restoration. Various approaches are explored, such as inclusive workshops, on hand facts campaigns, resilience packages inside faculties, support networks, and forging partnerships with incapacity- targeted companies. Moreover, the chapter underscores the signifi cance of tailored communication methods that do not forget the particular tendencies, communication choices, and cultural backgrounds of CwSN and their families. Th e chapter additionally advocates for ongoing assessment, comments mechanisms, and coverage advocacy to make certain the pertinence and effi - cacy of resilience- constructing endeavors. Finally, it highlights how eff ective communication and facts dissemination can empower CwSN and their caregivers for the duration of the tough aft ermath of disasters, thereby nurturing resilience within the community.
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