Violence is considered an important and priority public health problem that affects allnnhealthcare professionals and has become an increasingly common and worrying phenom-nenon worldwide. Violence against healthcare staff is a significant global issue with seriousnnconsequences. Healthcare staff are five times more likely to experience workplace violencennthan other professions. Violence not only harms healthcare professional staff but also in-nstitutions, but also can harm institutions and patients. Violence prevention in healthcarennsettings is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of both healthcare staff and pa-ntients. Healthcare staff should have a safe work environment; therefore, healthcare pro-nviders should provide a safe work environment for healthcare staff. It is important to takennthe necessary measures to prevent violence in healthcare settings. Violence in healthcarensettings needs to be addressed by appropriate stakeholders through continued researchnon effective interventions. Violence in healthcare settings presents significant challengesnnto the well-being of healthcare staff and the quality of patient care. Addressing this is-nsue requires a multifaceted approach that includes training programmes, environmentalnndesign considerations, policy enhancements, and community strategies for prevention.nThis chapter provides an overview of violence in the healthcare setting, its effects, and thenimportance of violence prevention. In addition, the causes of violence were examined innthree dimensions: patient-related factors, staff-related factors, and environmental factors.nnStrategies for violence prevention were discussed and these include training and educa-ntion programmes, security measures and physical design, effective communication andnnde-escalation techniques, and policy-based strategies.