Release Date: 2024-06-03

Sexual Abuse

Release Date: 2024-06-03

Sexual abuse is defined as using a child who has yet to complete psychosocial development by an adult for sexual stimulation. Although childhood sexual abuse is a devastating life event, it can cause the child to develop an early maladaptive schema towards themselves, their surroundings, and the world. Child victims of childhood sexual abuse may [...]

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    Work TypeBook Chapter
    Published inChild Maltreatment in Türkiye
    First Page35
    Last Page59
    Page Count25
    Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
    Sexual abuse is defined as using a child who has yet to complete psychosocial development by an adult for sexual stimulation. Although childhood sexual abuse is a devastating life event, it can cause the child to develop an early maladaptive schema towards themselves, their surroundings, and the world. Child victims of childhood sexual abuse may face the detrimental impacts of abuse throughout their lives. In this context, the chapter includes the various types of child sexual abuse, pedophilic abuse, the assessment of the effects of sexual abuse on the child, and it has been developed to address the situation in the world and Turkey.

    Damla Memisoglu (Author)
    Beykent Unıversıty
    3Damla Memişoğlu, currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Law, she is actively involved in forensic science research while gaining practical experience as a legal intern at a law office. Her professional interests primarily revolve around the legal and forensic aspects of children’s rights.

    Mehmet Oguz Polat (Author)
    Professor, Acıbadem University
    3Oğuz Polat is a forensic medicine expert and academician at Acıbadem Unıversity and dırector of ASUMA-Acıbadem Center of Prevention and Research for Crime and Violence and head of a NGO named Society of Prevention and Rehabilitation from Violence-İMDAT He is lecturing to medical,psychology and school of law forensic medicine, violence, criminology and criminalistics both graduate and master classes. He has 120 Articles about Child abuse ,Child’s Rights , Children at Risk , Violence toward children and Forensic medicine and 28 Books about Child abuse ,Child’s Rights ,Violence and Forensic Medicine including all aspects of child abuse. He is expert on child rights , child abuse and children at risk and domestic violence.

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