This chapter aims to define aggression and anger in line with the literature and empha-nsize the effects and causes of aggression and anger on healthcare staff, patients and thennhealthcare institution and identify the measures that can be taken based on the literature.nThe most important factor that renders the healthcare sector different from other servicennsectors is that the health conditions of the individuals served are interlinked with psycho-nlogical problems the patients and their relatives suffer themselves. As the patients beginnnto perceive their situation realistically, their increased levels of tension and anxiety evolveninto anger over time. Feelings of anger, aggression and hostility that cannot be expressednin appropriate ways can cause serious health problems. In this context, the use of effectivencommunication strategies and methods by healthcare professionals can help the patientsnnunderstand their aggressive behaviors better and eliminate them. In recent years, the prev-nalence of attacks on healthcare workers has gradually increased. The fact that the aggres-nsive actions have negative consequences for both service users and healthcare workersnnmakes it necessary to deal with this issue and to take proactive measures. In this chapter,naggression and anger are examined in terms of patient and healthcare staff dimension andnrelevant suggestions are made to overcome this problem.