Review Process

At Nobel, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and quality through a rigorous peer review process. This ensures that the research we publish is credible, valuable, and contributes meaningfully to the field. Below is an overview of our review process:

Initial Submission

  1. Manuscript Submission:
    • Authors submit their manuscripts via our online submission portal. All submissions must adhere to our formatting and submission guidelines, which can be found here.
  2. Initial Screening:
    • The editorial team conducts an initial screening to ensure the manuscript fits within the scope of the journal and meets the basic submission criteria. Manuscripts that do not meet these criteria may be returned to the authors for revision before proceeding.

Peer Review

  1. Assignment to Associate Editor:
    • If the manuscript passes the initial screening, it is assigned to an associate editor with expertise in the relevant field. The associate editor oversees the review process.
  2. Selection of Reviewers:
    • The associate editor selects two or more independent reviewers who are experts in the subject area of the manuscript. We employ a double-blind peer review process, where both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous.
  3. Reviewer Evaluation:
    • Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on criteria such as originality, methodology, significance, and clarity. They provide detailed feedback and recommend one of the following actions:
      • Accept without revisions
      • Minor revisions
      • Major revisions
      • Reject

Editorial Decision

  1. Review Compilation:
    • The associate editor compiles the feedback from the reviewers and makes a recommendation to the editorial board.
  2. Decision Notification:
    • The editorial board reviews the associate editor’s recommendation and makes the final decision. Authors are notified of the decision, along with the reviewers’ comments, which are intended to help improve the manuscript.

Revision and Resubmission

  1. Revisions:
    • If revisions are required, authors are given the opportunity to address the reviewers’ comments and resubmit their manuscript. The revised manuscript may be sent back to the original reviewers or to new reviewers for further evaluation.
  2. Final Decision:
    • After the revised manuscript is reviewed, the associate editor makes a final recommendation. The editorial board makes the final decision, which could be to accept or reject the manuscript.


  1. Proofreading and Typesetting:
    • Once a manuscript is accepted, it undergoes proofreading and typesetting to prepare it for publication. Authors will receive proofs for final review before publication.
  2. Online Publication:
    • The final version of the manuscript is published online and is made available to the academic community and the public.

Commitment to Ethical Standards

We adhere to strict ethical guidelines throughout the review process to ensure fairness, confidentiality, and integrity. Any potential conflicts of interest are managed according to our Publication Ethics policy.

For any questions regarding the review process, please contact us at