Archiving Policy

At Nobel, we are committed to the long-term preservation and accessibility of the academic and medical research we publish. Our archiving policy ensures that all published content is securely stored and remains accessible to researchers, practitioners, and the wider community for the foreseeable future.

Digital Archiving

  1. Permanent Availability:
    • All articles and books published by Nobel are stored in multiple digital repositories to ensure their permanent availability. These repositories include institutional repositories and trusted third-party archiving services.
  2. Archiving Services:
    • We utilize well-established archiving services such as CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), and Portico to ensure that our content is preserved and remains accessible even in the event of technological changes or organizational challenges.
  3. Institutional Repositories:
    • Authors are encouraged to deposit copies of their published work in institutional repositories. This not only ensures additional preservation but also enhances the visibility and accessibility of their research.

Print Archiving

  1. Library Deposits:
    • Copies of all printed books and journals are deposited in national libraries and selected university libraries. This ensures that a physical copy of the research is preserved and accessible to future generations.
  2. Author Copies:
    • Authors receive complimentary copies of their published work, which they can further archive and distribute according to our Copyright and Licensing policies.

Access and Retrieval

  1. Open Access:
    • Many of our publications are available under open access licenses, ensuring that they can be freely accessed by anyone, anywhere in the world. This enhances the dissemination and impact of the research.
  2. Subscription Access:
    • For subscription-based content, we provide perpetual access to subscribers, ensuring that they can always retrieve the research for which they have paid.
  3. Backup and Redundancy:
    • Our digital infrastructure includes regular backups and redundancy measures to protect against data loss and ensure continuous access to our content.

Policy on Content Removal

  1. Retractions and Corrections:
    • In the rare event that content must be retracted or corrected, we follow industry-standard procedures to ensure that the integrity of the academic record is maintained. Retractions and corrections are clearly indicated and accessible alongside the original content.
  2. Content Preservation:
    • Even when content is retracted, a record of the original publication is preserved to maintain the academic record’s integrity. Notices of retraction or correction are prominently displayed.

Continuous Improvement

  1. Technology Upgrades:
    • We continuously monitor and upgrade our archiving technologies and practices to adapt to new developments and ensure the highest standards of digital preservation.
  2. Policy Review:
    • Our archiving policy is reviewed regularly to incorporate feedback from the academic community and to ensure compliance with evolving best practices and standards in digital preservation.

For any questions regarding our archiving policy or to report issues with accessing our content, please contact our support team at