Release Date: 2024-06-03

Emotional Abuse

Hatice Saddiki (Author), Esra Gurgezoglu (Author)

Release Date: 2024-06-03

Child abuse encompasses all behaviors that negatively affect the child’s health and development. The fact that anyone or an adult responsible for caring for the child neglects enough children to endanger the child’s health or development, physical violence against the child, using the child as a sexual object, it is considered child abuse to exploit [...]

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    Work TypeBook Chapter
    Published inChild Maltreatment in Türkiye
    First Page61
    Last Page85
    Page Count25
    Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
    Child abuse encompasses all behaviors that negatively affect the child’s health and development. The fact that anyone or an adult responsible for caring for the child neglects enough children to endanger the child’s health or development, physical violence against the child, using the child as a sexual object, it is considered child abuse to exploit the child economically and harms the child emotionally.
    Among all these abuse behaviours, the most common one in daily life is emotional abuse of the child. However, the most difficult type of abuse to be noticed and detected is emotional abuse. Because emotional abuse does not cause a concrete physical injury to the child. Therefore, since there is no physical trace, it is difficult to detect and often goes unnoticed. However, the child’s emotional abuse causes psychological trauma in the child, although it does not cause a physical injury. Detection of this psychological trauma is often difficult, but it requires special expertise. Therefore, emotional abuse appears as an important phenomenon that threatens the child’s health.In this context; under this section, the definition of emotional abuse and the behaviours it covers, studies of emotional abuse in Türkiye and the world, the importance of detection of psychological trauma and the actors of the subject are discussed.

    Hatice Saddiki (Author)
    Yeditepe University
    34 Grade psychology student at the department of art and science in Yeditepe University.

    Esra Gurgezoglu (Author)
    Acıbadem University
    3Esra Gürgezoğlu Yapar was born in 1985 in Istanbul. She graduated from the Psychology Department at Istanbul University in 2007 and completed her master’s degree in the Forensic Psychology Department at Maltepe University in 2010. In 2010, she completed the Basic Training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy provided by Prof. Dr. M. Hakan Türkçapar. Additionally, in 2019, she received the ""Training of Trainers on Combatting Violence Against Women and Early/Forced Marriages"" under a project jointly developed by UNICEF, the Ministry of National Defense, and the Ministry of Family and Social Services, as well as the ""Turkey Addiction Combat Training of Trainers"" by the Turkish Green Crescent Society. From 2007 to 2010, she worked with children with disabilities and their families at a private rehabilitation center. From 2010 to 2017, she served as a prison psychologist at the Military Prison and Detention House Directorate of the Turkish Armed Forces. She is currently still working with the Turkish Armed Forces. She is also a member of IMDAT (Association for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Violence) and has written articles on criminal behavior, violence, and persistent stalking, and continues her fieldwork in these areas. She has presented oral and poster presentations at national and international conferences.

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