The Role of Ect in Depression
Dilbirin Simsek (Author), Mahmut Bulut (Author)
Release Date: 2024-05-30
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) originated in Italy in the 1930s and regained significance in the 1980s due to its efficacy in cases where psychotropic drugs were insufficient. Today, it’s a safe and effective treatment for major depression, mania, schizophrenia, and catatonia. Public misconceptions about ECT exist, leading to reluctance among patients and physicians. Advancements in technology [...]
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Work Type | Book Chapter |
Published in | Depression Treatment Updates |
First Page | 49 |
Last Page | 63 |
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Page Count | 15 |
Copyright Holder | Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri |
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Dilbirin Simsek (Author)
Research Assistant, Dicle University
3Dr. Dılbırin Şimşek studied at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine between 2013 and 2019. He graduated from Dicle University Faculty of Medicine in 2019 and received the title of Medical Doctor. In 2019-2020, he worked as a general practitioner in Eğil district of Diyarbakır province as a compulsory service obligation. He worked as a pediatric assistant at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine between 2020-2023. In 2024, he started working as a research assistant at Dicle University Psychiatry Department and still continues this position. He is a member of 1 organization related to his profession.
Mahmut Bulut (Author)
Professor, Dicle University
3Prof. Dr. Mahmut Bulut graduated from Fırat University Faculty of Medicine in 2004 and received the title of Doctor of Medicine. He graduated from Gaziantep University Faculty of Medicine in 2009 and received the title of Mental Health and Diseases Specialist. Afterward, he worked as a Mental Health and Diseases Specialist at Ağrı Patnos State Hospital as part of his compulsory service obligation. In 2011, he started working as an Assistant Professor at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry. He still continues this duty. He has many articles published in foreign and domestic journals and is a member of two separate organizations related to his profession.
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