Release Date: 2024-01-16

Industrial Microbiology for Food Safety

Hakan Temiz (Author)

Release Date: 2024-01-16

Food has been one of the most basic needs to sustain life since the beginning of human history. In order for people to sustain their lives in a healthy way, in addition to adequate and balanced nutrition, the food they consume must be safe. Safe food is defined as qualified food that has not lost [...]

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    Work TypeBook Chapter
    Published inFood Safety
    First Page415
    Last Page424
    Page Count10
    Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
    Food has been one of the most basic needs to sustain life since the beginning of human history. In order for people to sustain their lives in a healthy way, in addition to adequate and balanced nutrition, the food they consume must be safe. Safe food is defined as qualified food that has not lost its value in terms of nutrients and does not carry physical, chemical and biological risks. Increasing consumer concern about food safety and quality has forced the public and private food sectors to develop higher food safety and quality standards. Microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites can produce toxins with disease-causing effects in foods. In food safety, bacteria have been observed as the microorganism group that poses the most risk among biological hazards and plays the most role in food-related infections. Various practices and regulations are in place to ensure food safety, but the consumption of food contaminated with microbial agents causes foodborne diseases. Therefore, it is of great importance that microbial agents thought to be causative agents are detected with appropriate techniques in a short time and necessary precautions are taken.

    Hakan Temiz (Author)
    Professor, Dicle University
    3He was born in 1973 and graduated from Dicle University Faculty of Medicine in 1998. He started his professional life in Diyarbakır. Between 2002 and 2007, he worked as a research assistant at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology. He worked as a specialist physician in Diyarbakır as a laboratory and transfusion center manager. He graduated from Anadolu University Health Institutions Management Associate Degree Program in 2014. He has been working as a lecturer at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology since 2019 and received the title of professor in 2023.

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