Release Date: 2024-01-16


Izem Bilinmis (Author), Senanur Ozsoy (Author), Ayse Nursen Basaran (Author)

Release Date: 2024-01-16

The surface waters contaminated with cyanobacteria, which are utilized for drinking, irrigation, and recreational purposes, poses a potential hazard to population health, as well as domestic animals and wildlife. Due to the observed trends of rising temperatures and the increased levels of nutrient pollution in surface waters, the occurrence of marine biotoxins is a growing [...]

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    Work TypeBook Chapter
    Published inFood Safety
    First Page135
    Last Page145
    Page Count11
    Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
    The surface waters contaminated with cyanobacteria, which are utilized for drinking, irrigation, and recreational purposes, poses a potential hazard to population health, as well as domestic animals and wildlife. Due to the observed trends of rising temperatures and the increased levels of nutrient pollution in surface waters, the occurrence of marine biotoxins is a growing concern worldwide. Paralytic shellfish toxins (PST), described in marine invertebrates, humans, and bacteria are a large neurotoxic group consisting of saxitoxin (STX) and its about 57 derivatives. It is produced by eukaryotic dinoflagellates and prokaryotic cyanobacteria. Paralytic shellfish toxicity is mostly associated with seafood consumption. STXs effectively inhibit the distribution of nerve impulses, and the function of sodium channels located on the nerve cells. As a result, the activation of muscular activity is inhibited, leading to respiratory paralysis. Understanding of the conversion of PST into less toxic derivatives and its degradation both chemically and enzymatically is important for the detoxification of eutrophied water resources and consumed seafood. Since some PSTs have been identified as having pharmaceutical potential, studies on elucidating the STX biosynthesis genes in cyanobacteria will guide research in order to better understand the pharmaceutical potential of these alkaloids and to elucidate their structures.

    Ayse Nursen Basaran (Author)
    Professor, Başkent University
    3A. Nurşen Başaran, PhD, ERT received her B.Sc. in Pharmacy in 1977, and then she started to work as a research assistant at the Department of Toxicology. , Faculty of Pharmacy, Hacettepe University. She got her Msc Degree in 1980 and PhD Degree in 1987 from Hacettepe University, Instıtute of Health Sciences, Pharmaceutical Toxicology Programme. In 1992 she received Assoc. Prof. Degree and worked as a full professor of Toxicology between the years of 1999-2022 at Hacettepe University. She has been working as a full Professor of Toxicology at the Department of Pharmaceutical Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Baskent Universitysince 2022. She had been in British Industrial Biological Research Association (BIBRA) at the Department of Genetic and Reproductive Toxicology in UK as postdoctoral fellow, and in University of Karlsruhe, Department of Food Chemistry and in University of Dortmund, Institute of Physiology in Germany as visiting scientist. She is a member of numerous national and international scientific societies including Turkish Society of Toxicology, EUROTOX and IUTOX. She served as an executive committee member of EUROTOX (2008-2014), chair of the EUROTOX Speciality Section of Carcinogenesis (2005-2011) and chair of the EUROTOX Subcommitee of Education (2008-2013). She served as an executive committee member of IUTOX(2013-2016) and the vice president of IUTOX( 2016-2021). Peer reviewed She has more than 110 publications in international peer reviewed journals.She serves on several editorial boards of toxicology journals. Her scientific interests include , immunotoxicity and genotoxicity of chemicals and phytochemicals, and occupational toxicology and biomonitoring of chemicals in workplaces and environment.

    Izem Bilinmis (Author)
    Research Assistant, Başkent University
    3Res. Asst. İzem Bilinmiş graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Pharmacy in 2021. After graduation, she worked as a regulatory and market access specialist in a company for 1 year. In 2021, she started her master’s degree in the Department of Pharmaceutical Toxicology at Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy and is still continuing. She is currently working at Başkent University Faculty of Pharmacy in the Department of Pharmaceutical Toxicology. Her scientific interests are endocrine disrupting chemicals, occupational toxicology.

    Senanur Ozsoy (Author)
    Research Assistant, Başkent University
    3Res. Asst. Senanur ÖZSOY graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy at Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University in 2023. In the same year, she was admitted to the Ph.D. program in Pharmaceutical Toxicology at Ankara University. Since 2023, she has been working as a Research Assistant in the Pharmaceutical Toxicology Department at Başkent University Faculty of Pharmacy.

    • Deeds JR, Landsberg JH, Etheridge SM, Pitch

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