Personal hygiene covers all practices that individuals perform to ensure their self-care. Therefore, it is very important to teach children personal hygiene habits in maintaining health. Adequate education and appropriate environments should be provided for children to acquire hygiene habits. Inadequate personal hygiene habits increase the risk of infectious diseases, dental caries, parasitic diseases and skin fungi in children. Especially the fact that children are in regular contact with the environment due to their need for socialisation causes them to be more exposed to infectious disease factors. For this respect, it is very important that personal hygiene habits are developed in early childhood.Children can learn the right and positive health behaviours with the correct education. Accordingly, it is important for children to develop personal hygiene habits in order to provide both individual health and social health. Parents, teachers and health professionals should collaborate in teaching these behaviours to children. In this direction, the personal care behaviours that the child will develop are the first process of his/her individualisation.