In the food industry, protein sources play a crucial role in human nutrition. Traditionally, animal sources such as meat, dairy products and eggs have been recognised as the main source of protein, but plant protein sources are also receiving increasing attention. In this context, cereals such as maize and sorghum are considered as important vegetable protein sources. Maize is one of the most widely produced cereals worldwide and is an important source of protein. Although maize is low in lysine, one of the essential amino acids, it can be combined with other grains to make it a balanced protein source. Sorghum, like maize, is a low-cost protein source and can be grown in challenging conditions such as scarcity and drought. The high protein content of sorghum plays an important role in bridging the protein gap, especially in developing countries. Additionally, sorghum contains components with antioxidant properties, which are important for health benefits. Grains like maize and sorghum are rich in protein and economically accessible sources, holding significant potential to meet the protein needs in human nutrition and ensure food security. Therefore, research and applications to increase the protein content of these cereals will continue to play an important role in nutrition and agriculture in the future.