Release Date: 2024-03-25

Lung Abscess

Ahmet Engin Atay (Author), Metin Celik (Author)

Release Date: 2024-03-25

Lung abscess is usually observed in patients with chronic disorders including impaired consciousness or immunosuppresants conditions that lead to repetitive aspiration attacks. The common site of involvement is apical segment of lower lobes. Fever, prolonged cough and foul-smelling sputum are frequent symptoms. Diagnosis is based on physical examination and acquiring detailed medical history that should [...]

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Work TypeBook Chapter
Published inThoracic Infections
First Page65
Last Page74
ISBN978-605-335-893-0 (PDF)
Page Count10
Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
Lung abscess is usually observed in patients with chronic disorders including impaired consciousness or immunosuppresants conditions that lead to repetitive aspiration attacks. The common site of involvement is apical segment of lower lobes. Fever, prolonged cough and foul-smelling sputum are frequent symptoms. Diagnosis is based on physical examination and acquiring detailed medical history that should be accompanied by radiologic studies that usually show mass appearance, air-fluid level or cavitation. Antibiotic therapy and respiratory rehabilitation with postural drainage are the mainstay of the therapy. However, patients who are unresponsive to medical approach may require percutaneous drainage or even surgical resection of the affected lobe. Prognosis of lung abscess is strongly related to persistence of abscess for more than two months, comorbidities such as malignancy, advanced age and size of the abscess.

Ahmet Engin Atay (Author)
Professor, Bagcilar Training and Research Hospital
3Ahmet Engin ATAY: 2020 - 2023: Professor of Internal Medicine, PhD. M.D and executive director physician in the internal medicine department of Bagcilar Education and Research Hospital, Health Sciences University, Istanbul, Turkey. 1995-2001 Medical School of Dicle University. 2001-2006 Assistant doctor (Fellowship in the department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Dicle University). Skills.Retired basketball player Fluency in Turkish and intermediate level of German.English (IELTS Band score 7)

Metin Celik (Author)
Dr., Mehmet Akif İnan Training Research Hospital
3Dr Metin Çelik entered Harran University Medical Faculty in 2012. He was admitted to Dicle University with undergraduate transfer after finishing 2 years of education in Harran University. He was appointed to Van Muradiye State Hospital as a general practitioner after graduating from Dicle University in 2018. He worked as an assistant doctor in Thoracic Surgery Department of Dicle University between 2019 and 2024. He was appointed to Şanliurfa Mehmet Akif İnan Training and Research Hospital as a thoracic surgery specialist in May 2024 and still he has been working in the same hospital. He is an active member of Turkish Society of Thoracic Surgery and Turkish Thoracic Society.

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