Release Date: 2024-06-03

Child Under International Protection and Temporary Protection in Türkiye

Release Date: 2024-06-03

This article presents the existing normative framework for children under international protection and children under temporary protection in Türkiye in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and evaluates the international conventions that led to the emergence of the concepts of international protection and temporary protection together with the Convention on [...]

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    Work TypeBook Chapter
    Published inChild Maltreatment in Türkiye
    First Page217
    Last Page245
    Page Count29
    Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
    This article presents the existing normative framework for children under international protection and children under temporary protection in Türkiye in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and evaluates the international conventions that led to the emergence of the concepts of international protection and temporary protection together with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It also analyses the rights of children under international protection and under temporary protection regarding education in Türkiye and the difficulties they face. In this context, it analyses what the relevant conventions correspond to in Türkiye and how Türkiye approaches them. The rights to education of children under international protection and temporary protection in Türkiye, the extent to which these rights are violated and what kind of problems they may cause, how the general political atmosphere affects access to rights, and what is experienced in the specific field of education are examined. Methodologically, existing publications, books and book chapters from national and international databases, as well as reports and publications of national and international non-governmental organisations and publications and statements of public institutions were examined.

    Apak Kerem Altintop (Author)
    Assistant Professor, Istanbul Universty
    3He is an Assistant Professor at the International Institute for Genocide and Crimes against Humanity, Istanbul University. He received his PhD in Political Science and International Relations in 2022. He specializes in international migration, unaccompanied minors, refugee studies, children’s rights and genocide studies.

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