Release Date: 2024-05-31

Foundations of Life: Developmental Psychology of Birth and Postpartum

Unraveling the Complex Interplay of Genetics, Environment, and Early Experiences in Shaping Lifelong Development
Zenep Alpugan (Author)
Release Date: 2024-05-31

Foundations of Life: Developmental Psychology of Birth and Postpartum explores the critical stages of human development from conception through the postpartum period. This book examines how prenatal and early postnatal experiences shape lifelong cognitive, emotional, and social development. It integrates insights from psychology, biology, sociology, and medicine to provide a comprehensive guide for parents, healthcare professionals, and educators. By emphasizing the importance of prenatal care, maternal mental health, secure attachment, and early interventions, the book aims to support optimal developmental outcomes for both infants and their caregivers.

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Work TypeEdited Book
Internal Reference
ISBN978-605-335-923-4 (PDF)
Page Count
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Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
KeywordsPsychiatry, Psychology
CategoryPopular psychology
Foundations of Life: Developmental Psychology of Birth and Postpartum: Unraveling the Complex Interplay of Genetics, Environment, and Early Experiences in Shaping Lifelong Development
  1. Introduction
    Zenep Alpugan
  2. Prenatal Development in Context: Genetic Influences on Prenatal Development, Genetic Disorders and Variations, Epigenetic Modulation in Prenatal Development, Environmental Influences on Prenatal Development, Socioeconomic Factors, Maternal Health and Behaviors, Behavioral and Psychological Health
    Zenep Alpugan
  3. Early Attachment and Development: Role of Caregiver Sensitivity and Responsiveness, Attachment Styles and Their Origins, Strategies for Enhancing Attachment Security
    Zenep Alpugan
  4. Infant Cognitive and Social Development: Cognitive Development Milestones, Social Development and Interaction, Impact of Early Experiences
    Zenep Alpugan
  5. Family Dynamics and Parenting Styles: Influence of Family Dynamics, Different Parenting Styles, Impact on Child Development
    Zenep Alpugan
  6. Conclusion: Summarizing Key Insights, Recommendations for Practice and Policy, Future Directions in Developmental Psychology
    Zenep Alpugan
  7. Postpartum Mental Health: Maternal Mental Health Conditions, Impact on Maternal Caregiving Behaviors, Early Detection and Intervention, Social Support and C
    Zenep Alpugan
  8. Environmental and Socioeconomic Influences: Role of Physical Environment, Socioeconomic Status and Developmental Outcomes, Policies and Interventions
    Zenep Alpugan
  9. Epigenetics and Early Programming: Understanding Epigenetics, DNA Methylation, Histone Modification, Impact of Epigenetic Mechanisms, Factors Influencing Epigenetic Changes
    Zenep Alpugan
  10. The Birth Process and Its Psychological Impact: Birthing Methods and Complications, Psychological and Developmental Outcomes, Pain Management and Birth Support, Immediate Postpartum Practices
    Zenep Alpugan
  11. Support Systems for New Parents: Importance of Social Support, Community-Based Support Programs, Healthcare and Policy Implications
    Zenep Alpugan
  12. Interventions and Early Detection: Evidence-Based Interventions, Developmental Screenings, Early Educational Programs
    Zenep Alpugan

Zeynep ALPUGAN, PhD (Author)
3Dr. Zeynep Alpugan is an esteemed Assistant Professor of Psychology at Esenyurt University in Istanbul. With 15 years of extensive experience in developmental psychology, Dr. Alpugan has dedicated her career to understanding and supporting the intricate processes of human growth from the prenatal period through early childhood. Her expertise is particularly focused on the psychological aspects of before and after birth, providing invaluable counseling and support to expectant and new parents. Dr. Alpugan's work integrates rigorous academic research with practical applications, aiming to foster healthy developmental trajectories for both mothers and infants. Throughout her career, Dr. Alpugan has been committed to advancing the field of developmental psychology. She has conducted numerous studies exploring the impacts of prenatal conditions, birth experiences, and postpartum mental health on long-term development. Her research is widely published in respected academic journals, and she is a sought-after speaker at international conferences. In addition to her academic and research pursuits, Dr. Alpugan is deeply involved in clinical practice, offering psychological counseling to families navigating the challenges of pregnancy and early parenthood. Her compassionate approach and evidence-based strategies have helped countless families achieve better developmental outcomes and strengthened her reputation as a leading expert in her field. Dr. Alpugan's dedication to her work is driven by a profound belief in the importance of the early stages of life. She is committed to educating future psychologists, healthcare professionals, and policymakers on the critical role of early developmental support. Her contributions continue to shape the understanding and practices within developmental psychology, making a lasting impact on the well-being of parents and children alike.



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