Exercise therapy is a vital component in the rehabilitation of elbow joint pathologies, ranging from acute to chronic stages. This process offers numerous benefits, such as enhancing muscle strength, preserving joint health, increasing functionality, and improving overall quality of life. In the initial stages of recovery, exercises aimed at maintaining normal joint range of motion and stretching play a preparatory role in achieving optimal function. These exercises are vital for improving muscle and tendon flexibility, enhancing joint mobility, and preventing joint stiffness and contracture formation.nAs weeks progress following traumatic injuries, strengthening programs become central to exercise approaches. These programs aim to improve daily living activities, personal care, and quality of life by enhancing neuromuscular performance. Flexibility programs are also fundamental due to the significance of range of motion in daily activities. The physiological adaptations induced by strength training positively impact various physical abilities, including cardiovascular fitness, balance, range of motion, and speed. Therefore, it is crucial to prescribe strength training appropriately based on individual responses, goals, or necessary adaptations.nExercise therapy not only aids in muscle strength recovery but also plays a significant role in injury prevention and enhancing functional outcomes. Studies highlight the importance of specific exercises for the elbow, wrist, and hand to prevent excessive joint range and increase muscle activation in the upper extremity.nIn conclusion, exercise approaches in the rehabilitation of elbow pathologies should be comprehensive and tailored to the individual’s stage of recovery and specific needs. Early-stage interventions should focus on maintaining joint mobility and preventing stiffness, while later stages should emphasize strengthening, neuromuscular training, and functional exercises. Understanding the roles of various muscle groups and their coordinated actions is vital for designing effective rehabilitation programs aimed at restoring elbow function and preventing future injuries.nn