The lumbosacral region, situated at the lower end of the spine, consists of the lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum. This area serves as a critical junction between the upper body and the pelvis, bearing much of the body’s weight and facilitating a wide range of movements. Given its structural and functional responsibilities, the lumbosacral region is particularly susceptible to various disorders and injuries. Factors such as aging, degenerative changes, poor posture, and physical strain can lead to conditions that significantly impair mobility and cause chronic pain. Additionally, this region houses critical nerve structures, including the cauda equina and the lumbar and sacral nerve roots, which control motor and sensory functions in the lower extremities. Any compression or irritation of these nerves can result in significant neurological symptoms, further complicating the clinical picture. Understanding the anatomy and biomechanics of this region, along with the associated nerve structures, is essential for diagnosing and treating related disorders effectively.
Lumbosacral disorders, affecting the lower back and sacral region, pose a significant challenge in modern healthcare due to their high prevalence and impact on quality of life. As the incidence of chronic lower back pain continues to rise globally, the need for effective treatment strategies becomes ever more critical. In recent years, exercise has emerged as a cornerstone in the management of these conditions, reflecting a paradigm shift from passive to active rehabilitation approaches.
Lumbosacral disorders encompass a diverse range of conditions, with patients presenting a variety of symptoms and underlying issues. Consequently, a thorough patient assessment to identify the primary causes of each individual’s condition is essential for developing an effective, tailored exercise program. Recent decades of research have underscored the critical importance of restoring mobility and flexibility, strengthening core muscles, and promoting overall physical activity in the management of lumbosacral disorders. Hence, this chapter delves into the current exercise-based approaches utilized in the treatment of lumbosacral disorders with a focus on mobility, flexibility and core stability/strengthening along with other exercise-based approaches such as aerobic exercises, water-based exercises, Pilates method and Mind-body exercises.