Release Date: 2024-06-03

Child and Life

Release Date: 2024-06-03
Media Type

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Work TypeEdited Book
Internal Reference
ISBN978-605-335-927-2 (PDF)
Page Count
Print Lenght
Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
KeywordsChild Health, Diseases, Medicine, Psychiatry, Psychology
CategoryChild & developmental psychology
Child and Life
  1. Children and Drama
    Nurşah Gündüz Aktaş, Gülbeyaz Baran Durmaz
  2. Natural Disasters and Children
    Metin Suiçmez, Gülbeyaz Baran Durmaz
  3. Febrile Convusions and Child
    Behlül Okuşluk
  4. Communication in Childhood Education
    Medine Baran Türkan
  5. Child and Personal Hygiene
    Mensure Turan
  6. Children and the Digital World
    Engin Turan

Baran Durmaz, Gülbeyaz (Author)
Dicle University
3Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülbeyaz BARAN DURMAZ, She graduated from Dicle University Atatürk Health School, Department of Nursing, and graduated from Dicle School in 2005. She started his master's degree in the Public Health Department of the University Faculty of Medicine and graduated in 2005. She completed her first master's degree in the Department of Public Health at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine in she finished In 2007, Dokuz Eylül University Child Health and Disease.She worked as a research assistant in the Department of Nursing In 2009, Child Health and She completed her 2nd master's degree in Diseases Nursing. Ataturk in 2010 University Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Child Health and Diseases Nursing she worked as a research assistant In 2013, Atatürk University Health. She completed her doctoral studies at the Department of Child Health and Diseases Nursing at the Faculty of Sciences. she has completed.Dicle University Ataturk Health Sciences starting from 2020 Associate Professor at the Faculty. She e continues his duty as she. Dicle University Ataturk Health Child health and disease nursing in the nursing department of the Faculty of Sciences,She gives courses on growth and development in children, neonatal and pain in nursing.She has many publications in the field of child health internationally.



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