Due to the recent increase in violent crimes against healthcare professionals in Turkey,nand changes have been made in the criminal and healthcare legislation. In force in ordernnto prevent violent crimes that may be committed against healthcare professionals and aux-niliary healthcare personnel working in healthcare services, the Turkish Criminal Code,nnCode of Criminal Procedure, Fundamental Law on Healthcare Services and relevant leg-nislation have been legally evaluated. The types of crimes that can be committed againstnnhealthcare workers and their sanctions and catalog crimes are explained. Justice statisticsnnof the Ministry of Justice, trade union violence reports, decisions of the Criminal Depart-nments of the Supreme Court of Judgements are presented. The recommendations of thennTurkish Medical Association regarding the reporting of violent crimes are also explained.nIn this study, it is aimed to provide the legal information needed by those who contributento the solution of violent crimes or problems that may be committed against healthcarenworkers who have an important role in protecting the health of individuals and societynand those who make efforts in this field.