The pen is the most practical instrument, according to Ibn Sina, and an ink bottle has great value. Science's light began in antiquity and has persisted to this day. Numerous scientists have been engaged in the eld of medical education since ancient times, and their contributions to medical knowledge have persisted to this day. Today, the sole objective is to safeguard human health, even though technology advancements have led to changes in diagnosis and treatment procedures. The treatment of chest infections has advanced, much like any other area of medicine. These advancements have not only resulted in more eective treatment for patients, but they have also reduced hospital stays and improved patient comfort. Both internal and surgical subjects related to thoracic infections are included in our book. Appropriate descriptions are provided for surgical treatment methods, therapeutic and diagnostic techniques, and anesthetic preoperative and postoperative approaches. Tables, images, and current references are used to support these themes. This book examines preoperative anesthetic methods and disorders from an anesthetic perspective. There are mentions of ailments, conditions, and recent publications that should be used in surgery. By giving readers helpful knowledge, We hope that we may assist light a candle in the light of science. We would like to thank all the writers who contributed to this book.
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