Persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.) is one of the subtropical fruit species with worldwide commercial production. In our country, its importance has been increasing day by day in recent years by both producers and consumers. Persimmon is a species with fewer problems in terms of resistance to environmental conditions, diseases and pests compared to many other fruit species. Persimmon, which is a soft-seeded fruit, is remarkable with its species-specific colours (yellow, orange, red) and shapes. Persimmon seedlings are propagated by generative and vegetative methods. The generative propagation method is mainly used in rootstock production. Clonal rootstocks, important in many fruit species, are not yet sufficiently used in persimmon. The rootstocks commonly used in our country are Diospyros kaki L. and Diospyros lotus L. species. Graft propagation, one of the vegetative propagation techniques, is widely used in the sapling production of persimmons. Not only chip buddings and T-buddings methods are commonly used in the budding propagation method, but also Cleft grafts and Whip grafts methods are preferred among grafting propagation methods. Persimmon orchard establishment is usually done with grafted saplings.