Managing Editor

Erol Biroglu

Responsibilities: Manages day-to-day operations, coordinates schedules, and ensures timely publication. Identifies and acquires new manuscripts, working closely with authors. Oversees the digital publication process, including e-books.

Production Editor

Hakkı Çakır

Responsibilities: Manages the production process, including layout and design. Provides support and guidance to authors throughout the publishing process.

Sales Manager

Emir Kilic

Responsibilities: Manages sales strategies and works with distributors.

Communications Manager

Tuba Biroglu

Responsibilities: Plan and coordinate events such as press conferences, product launches, and community outreach activities.

Marketing Manager

Ayşenur Temel

Responsibilities: Develops marketing strategies and oversees promotional activities.

Graphic Designer

Şule Pala - Graphic Designer

Can Gelgeç

Responsibilities: Create and design the interior layout of books, including the arrangement of text, images, and other elements, ensuring a visually appealing and reader-friendly format.

Şule Pala - Graphic Designer

Şule Pala

Responsibilities: Create and design the interior layout of books, including the arrangement of text, images, and other elements, ensuring a visually appealing and reader-friendly format.