Release Date: 2024-02-28

Emotional Regulation

Techniques for Enhancing Mental Health and Navigating Life's Challenges
Eda Yılmazer (Author)
Release Date: 2024-02-28

This book delves into the intricate processes of emotional regulation, exploring the biological, psychological, and social foundations of emotions. It provides a comprehensive guide to understanding emotional intelligence and the spectrum of emotional regulation strategies, from cognitive approaches like cognitive restructuring and mindfulness to behavioral techniques and physiological strategies. Special attention is given to challenges in emotional regulation, including PTSD, addiction, and muscle dysmorphia. Through evidence-based practices and real-life case studies, this book equips readers with practical tools to enhance their emotional well-being and resilience in navigating life’s complexities.

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Work TypeEdited Book
Internal Reference
ISBN978-605-335-887-9 (PDF)
Page Count190
Print Lenghtx+180
Copyright HolderNobel Tıp Kitabevleri
KeywordsPsychiatry, Psychology
CategoryEducational, Psychology
Emotional Regulation: Techniques for Enhancing Mental Health and Navigating Life's Challenges
  1. The Science of Emotions: The Biological and Psychological Foundations of Emotions, How Emotions are Processed in the Brain
    Eda Yılmazer
  2. Emotional Intelligence: Definition and Components of Emotional Intelligence, The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Regulation
    Eda Yılmazer
  3. The Spectrum of Emotional Regulation Strategies: Adaptive vs. Maladaptive Strategies, Cognitive, Behavioral, and Physiological Strategies
    Eda Yılmazer
  4. Challenges in Emotional Regulation: Common Obstacles: Stress, Trauma, and Mental Health Issues, Special Focus on PTSD, Addiction, and Muscle Dysmorphia
    Eda Yılmazer
  5. Cognitive Approaches: Cognitive Restructuring, Mindfulness and Meditation, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Principles
    Eda Yılmazer
  6. Behavioral Techniques: Engagement in Pleasant Activities, Problem-Solving, Exercise
    Eda Yılmazer
  7. Technological Aids and Applications: Deep Breathing, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Sleep Hygiene
    Eda Yılmazer
  8. Special Populations: Tailoring Strategies for Children, Adolescents, and the Elderly Considerations for Individuals with Specific Psychological or Physical Health Challenges
    Eda Yılmazer
  9. Real-Life Examples: Stories of Individuals Successfully Managing Their Emotions in Challenging Situations Application of Emotional Regulation in Professional Settings (E.G., Healthcare, First Responders)
    Eda Yılmazer
  10. Cultural and Spiritual Perspectives: How Different Cultures Approach Emotional Regulation the Role of Spirituality and Religious Practices in Managing Emotions
    Eda Yılmazer
  11. Integrating Emotional Regulation Into Daily Life: Practical Tips for Making Emotional Regulation a Habit Strategies for Overcoming Setbacks and Maintaining Progress
    Eda Yılmazer
  12. The Future of Emotional Regulation: Emerging Research Areas Potential Technological Advancements in Emotional Health
    Eda Yılmazer

Yılmazer, Eda (Author)
Assistant Professor, Beykoz University



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